18 A & B Cottingham way Thrapston 8:00am - 18:00pm Mon - Fri
Fees and costs
Below is a breakdown of costs including funding entitlement.
Standard fees
If you do not yet meet the criteria for early years funding we charge a fee of £5.50 per hour, per child.
2 Years old
If you are entitled to 2 year old funding, (more information on the funding button) you can book 15 hours per week during term time or 12 hours per week, all year round.
3 and 4 Years old
If you are entitled to 3 and 4 year old funding, which starts in the school term after your child turns 3, you can book 15 hours per week during term time or 12 hours per week, all year round. (this is known as stretched funding as this option means that you use choose to use your funded entitlement for 51 weeks per year to give you 12 hours per week, rather than just term time, which is 15 weeks).
In addition to this 15 hours you may also be entitled to up to another 15 hours if you meet the qualifying criteria. (Check this on our Childcare Choices tab).
We don't make any extra charges but do ask that you provide a packed lunched, along with nappies and wipes for your child and we provide morning and afternoon snacks.
A light lunch can be provided for an additional fee of £1.50 per lunch.